Partisan Scientific Research
Still today, the number of women pursuing scientific careers in academia or industry is far less than the number of men.
November 15, 2022 from 1:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Mont Houy Campus - Claudin Lejeune 3 Building - Amphi E14
Still today, the number of women leading scientific careers in academia or industry is much lower than the number of men.
Yet, there are many research projects where women and men work together to advance science.
The event "Parity Scientific Research" wishes to highlight these works of female and male researchers.
It is organized by the Parity-Equality Commission of LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 to show young female students/engineers that a scientific career is possible for them.
A set of advances in different fields will be presented. They all aim to respond to the social-economic challenges of our modern world.
Space is limited, so registration is required.
Registration: https://www.uphf.fr/inscription-recherche-scientifique-paritaire