Sustainable development
INSA HdF follows an active policy of continuous improvement regarding societal issues. Notably through the ClimatSup project involving the INSA group, the inclusion of climate and energy issues will in the short term be integrated into the teachings.
Sustainable development at the UPHF
INSA Hauts-de-France benefits from a comprehensive Sustainable Development approach carried at the UPHF level. This stems from a reflection involving all UPHF users (governance, teachers, researchers, staff, students) and leads to an ambitious project on societal issues.
The DD&R validation process enhances the commitment of institutions on the basis of a common reference framework covering five areas: governance, training, research, environmental management, social policy and territorial anchoring.
The UPHF's DD&RS cluster
The DD&RS cluster has the following missions:
- Participate in the development of the institution's strategy;
- Implement the strategy and coordinate projects and actions;
- Implement the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility labeling process;
- Be a resource and advice center;
- To carry out communication, awareness and training actions;
- Organize events with all stakeholders, including territories.
ClimatSup INSA: integrating climate and energy issues into engineering courses
In September 2020, the INSA Group and the think tank The Shift Project wanted to join forces to create the ClimatSup INSA project. Thanks to the work carried out by INSA teams in the field, guided and accompanied by The Shift Project's experts, ClimatSup INSA will make it possible to integrate socio-ecological issues at the heart of all INSA Group training courses.
For more than a year, a deep reflection has been underway to transform the teaching: working groups are meeting to establish a common reference framework for the INSA Group, which will provide teaching teams with a solid basis to then develop their courses. The teachers will have a training plan, to accompany them in this process.
ClimatSup INSA has three main objectives:
- To train conscious engineers, capable of understanding and analyzing the increasing complexity of the world in which they evolve professionally;
- Meet the growing demand for meaning on the part of students both in their training and in their future professional careers;
- Meet the current and future skill needs of organizations to effectively operate their own energy and ecological transition;
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Learn more about The Shift Project
Learn more about ClimatSup INSA
Fresco of the Climate
The Climate Fresco is a collaborative and creative tool to raise awareness of climate change among all types of people. This tool was designed by Cedric Ringenbach, and it allows through a set of cards with different themes, to understand the cause-consequence relationships that there are between them.
In order to be able to integrate the climate issues in the engineering curricula as well as in the higher education, we chose to launch ourselves in the awareness of the climate issues.
Learn more about The Climate Fresco