Démarche qualité

Quality and certification processes

A continuous improvement process has existed for many years. It led to the obtaining in 2017 of the ISO 9001: 2015 certification, confirmed in January 2021.
It aims at continuous improvement, and is deliberately turned towards the human (Students of all statuses, staff of all statuses, industrial partners, etc.).

INSA Hauts-de-France's Quality policy

This approach is based on a policy defined by the Management and which has the following objectives:

  • Provide INSA Hauts-de-France students with a training framework conducive to personal development and professional integration.
  • Recruit students according to admission criteria consistent with the objectives of the training.
  • Deliver engineering degrees that are consistent with the current and future needs of companies and services, both nationally and internationally.
  • Provide INSA Hauts-de-France staff, through an agreement of objectives and means signed with the UPHF, a high-performance work environment allowing personal and professional growth.
  • Meet all applicable requirements of the ISO 9001-2015 standard to perpetuate the certification obtained.

The scope currently covers engineering courses but its expansion to Master s courses will be implemented from 2022.

La démarche Qualité couvre 12 processus :

  • Piloter la Stratégie
  • Manager la Qualité
  • Concevoir et Adapter la formation
  • Assurer la Formation
  • Recruter les élèves ingénieurs
  • Gestion administrative
  • Gestion financière
  • Relations internationales
  • Relations entreprises
  • Gestion des équipements et infrastructures
  • Communication interne et externe


A true continuous improvement process is organized.

It involves management:

  • the evaluation of teaching
  • questionnaires from students, staff and industry.
  • requests and suggestions made by any person, whether internal or external to INSA Hauts-de-France

The Quality cell organizes the processing of all these data with the pilots and referents concerned.

Continuous improvement is thus illustrated by the definition of action plans to best respond to requests.


  • ISO 9001 certification(on engineering training): 2015 since 2017
  • Qualiopi certification (1)  since June 2021 (Continuing education, VAE)

Request for improvement

Do you have a question? Do you have a complaint?

Let us know: improvement request form 

La cellule Qualité est composée de :

  • Yves GALLO, responsable du management de la Qualité, enseignant-chercheur
  • Laurence BARA, assistante Qualité, personnel BIATSS
  • Stéphanie ROBERT, assistante Qualité, personnel BIATSS

Cellule Qualité
Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Campus du Mont Houy, Claudin Le Jeune 1
59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9