Registrations and wishes Parcoursup 2024
Parcoursup 2024: let's get started!
Go to the "Parcoursup" website to create your application
Parcoursup is the national platform for pre-registration to the first year of higher education in France.
Who is affected by Parcoursup?
High school students preparing for their baccalaureate or students, already holders of the baccalaureate who wish to enroll in the first year of higher education in France must compile a file and apply via Parcoursup.
This does not apply to:
- students repeating their first year: they must directly re-enroll at their institution;
- international applicants from outside the European Union, subject to a request for prior admission (DAP) for access to university courses, or who are neither high school nor university students;
- applicants who only wish to apply to higher education courses located abroad: they should apply directly to the courses they are interested in;
- students who wish to return to the course in which they were enrolled at the end of their gap year: they have a right to reinstatement or re-enrolment at the end of their gap year.
Applying to Parcoursup
How to register and formulate your wishes on Parcoursup
You can start registering and formulating your wishes from January 17, 2024.
The elements needed to create a candidate file
To create a candidate file, you must first create a Parcoursup account if you have not already done so.
If you were already registered on Parcoursup in 2023, your identifiers are no longer valid. To retrieve your file, you must re-register using the same INE and email address as in 2023.
Then let us guide you. A tutorial video is available to help you if needed.
Here's what you need:
- an email address that you use regularly, as Parcoursup teams will often be exchanging with you;
- your Identifiant national élève
How to create your candidate file
Further information
You can register and formulate wishes from January 17, but there is no need to rush: you are not obliged to register and formulate your wishes on January 17.
There are no advantages for applicants who apply early. Even if you don't have to wait until the last minute to do so, the most important thing is to formulate your wishes before the deadline, i.e. Thursday March 14, 2024, 11:59pm Paris time.
After this date, you won't be able to make any more wishes (except for apprenticeships, for which there is no deadline.
You have more time to complete your file and confirm your wishes, you have until April 3 2024, 23:59, Paris time to do so.
You can formulate up to 10 wishes in the schools of your choice, without ranking them.
For certain courses, you can formulate sub-topics and thus apply to several establishments for the same course and this will be counted as a single wish. You can choose one or more establishments, without having to rank them.
Example: you can apply for a BTS "Management commercial opérationnel" or a CPGE (classe prépa) "MPSI" offered by several different establishments. The choice of course will be counted as 1 single wish, and the establishments you choose from among those offering this course will correspond to sub-wishes.