Resumption of studies, continuing education, accreditation of prior learning (VAE, VAPP)...
Whether you're an employee, entrepreneur or job seeker, you can go back to school to acquire new skills and thus enhance your CV, but also validate existing skills.
Who can go back to school?
Whether you're an employee, an entrepreneur or a job seeker, you can go back to school to acquire new skills and thus enhance your CV, but also validate existing skills.
Why go back to school?
There are many different reasons to go back to school, depending on your profile:
- adjust your skills in line with developments in your profession
- upgrade your skills in your sector of activity
- benefit from career development
- favor professional retraining or reorientation
- validate your skills with all or part of a diploma
- improve your employability
- obtain a more substantial salary
- grow through new skills
- and always improve your soft and hard skills!
What is continuing education?
Continuing education is based on the needs of companies, but also on the new challenges of our society: developing new skills linked to a specific theme, updating constantly evolving know-how.
It can take different forms (validation of prior learning, RNCP title, obtaining a diploma...) and durations vary according to the training courses.
Some training courses offer à la carte modules to adapt directly to the needs of professionals:
- complete course,
- skills blocks
- short modules.
You have a project? don't hesitate: we'll help you!
INSA Hauts-de-France offers personalized support for your training project:
- orientation and choice of course
- study of the feasibility of your training project
- choosing the training program
- follow-up on the application process
- advice and support in finding your financing.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us, so that together we can work on your personalized training project!
Contact : Hélène Bilbaut - @email - Tél : 03 27 51 18 44
What is VAE?
La Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) enables you to obtain, in full or in part, a diploma, title or certificate of professional qualification registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP).
The candidate must complete a file describing the main activities he/she carries out or has carried out, the contexts in which they are carried out and the resources mobilized. The assessment of this file is followed by an interview with the jury. The jury decides whether to validate all or part of the diploma. In the event of partial validation, recommendations are made to the candidate with a view to obtaining the full diploma.
.More info
VAPP, what is it?
The Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels (VAPP) allows direct access to university training without having the required diploma, by validating professional experience (salaried or not), training courses followed or personal achievements developed outside any training system.
This procedure can be used for entry to all INSA HdF courses: INGENIER, MASTER, LICENCE PRO, LICENCE, DEUST.
Contact : Hélène Bilbaut - @email - Tél : 03 27 51 18 44