Calypso FLOCH, 1st place in the "My project in 5 minutes" competition (BAC +4/+5 category)
Students from two engineering specialties at INSA Hauts-de-France took part this year in the finals of the "mon projet en 5 minutes" competition organized by the EEA club (community of teachers and researchers in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Automation and Signal and Image).
.Calypso Floch, a student at INSA Hauts-de-France, in her 4th year of the Electronics of Embedded Systems (ESE) engineering study, came first in the competition, in the BAC+4/+5 category.
Event review:
Calypso Floch, étudiante à l'INSA Hauts-de-France, en 4ème année d'étude d'ingénieur Électronique des Systèmes Embarqués (ESE), s'est hissée à la première place du concours, dans la catégorie BAC+4/+5.
Retour sur l'évènement :
My project in 5 minutes
As in previous years, this competition involves presenting a project or internship with a 5-minute video. Projects qualifying for the final are presented before a jury of professionals, teacher-researchers and the competition's sponsor, Christophe LEMAITRE this year. This final took place in Reims Thursday June 22, 2023
Calypso FLOCH, first in the BAC +4/+5 category
Congratulations to Calypso FLOCH in her 4th year of study as an Embedded Systems Electronics engineer (ESE), for her 1st place in the bac+4/+5 category. The project, carried out at the LIEBHERR Digital Development Center in Ulm, Germany, involved the creation of a control and command interface for the Lego LIEBHERR R9800, specifically, the development of a control and monitoring platform for a model excavator based on multimodal sensors. The project was explained in a user guide with a presentation so that LIEBHERR employees could in turn explain the project at university forums.
Video : https://youtu.be/wRwRiZG_H6w
Congratulations to the students of the Industrial and Automatic Computing engineering specialization (I²A) for their second place in the same category. These students presented their project, carried out during their first year of the engineering cycle, which involved automating one of INSA Hauts-de-France's vehicles (Véhicule Autonomous Car) to assist a letter carrier on his rounds. The engineering students had to determine the letter carrier's position in real time to ensure that the vehicle followed him along a GPS-determined trajectory.
.Video : https://pod.uphf.fr/video/4727-concours-eea-mon-projet-en-5-minutes-sui…
Thank you to these two teams who represented INSA Haut-De-France and UPHF (Université Polytechnique des Haut-De-France) in this competition.
Bravo aux élèves de la spécialité ingénieur Informatique Industrielle et Automatique (I²A) pour leur deuxième place dans la même catégorie. Ces étudiants ont présenté leur projet réalisé lors de leur première année du cycle ingénieur et qui consistait à automatiser un des véhicules de l’INSA Hauts-de-France (Véhicule Autonomous Car) en vue d’assister un postier lors de sa tournée. Les élèves ingénieur devait déterminer en temps réel la position du postier pour assurer son suivi par le véhicule le long d’une trajectoire déterminée par GPS.
Merci à ces deux équipes qui ont représenté l'INSA Haut-De-France et l'UPHF (Université Polytechnique des Haut-De-France) lors de ce concours.