Mission handicap
UPHF has created a one-stop shop for disabilities, the Relais Handicap. This is at the service of the institution's students and staff.
Benefit from the help of the disability relay
Any student enrolled at the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France, in a situation of disability or encountering health difficulties, whatever their nature (motor, psychic, sensory, disabling, ...) and duration, can benefit from the help of the Relais Handicap in their procedures, and in particular in the declaration of their disability, if they wish and in complete confidentiality.
To this end, the student contacts the Relais Handicap as soon as possible (before, during or after registration, from the beginning of the academic year), in order to trigger his or her request for a Plan d'Accompagnement de l'Etudiant en situation de Handicap (PAEH). After studying the request, the disability referent of his/her training component will ensure the implementation of the granted accommodations.
Accompagnement des étudiants

Première demande de Plan d'Accompagnement des Étudiants en situation de Handicap (PAEH) :
veuillez prendre rendez-vous via cette plateforme (ou flashez le QR code ci-contre)
dès la finalisation de votre inscription à l'UPHF
Demande de renouvellement du PAEH :
veuillez-vous rendre au Centre de Santé
ou prendre rendez-vous en appelant le 03-27-51-10-45.
Guide for students with disabilities at UPHF
This guide has several parts:
- Definition of disability
- The people you can talk to
- Personalized support from the time of admission (before enrollment and throughout the curriculum)
- Accommodations to give every opportunity to succeed (studies and exams)
- Access to knowledge facilitated (BU, digital platform, building accessibility)
- Life on campus
- Support in approaching the first job
Tout étudiant ayant bénéficié d’aménagements au cours des années antérieures à l’UPHF, doit impérativement demander le renouvellement en début d’année universitaire nouvelle.
Les étudiants disposant d’un PAEH valable pour tout le cursus doivent aussi impérativement se présenter au relais handicap en début d’année. Cette validité permettra à l’étudiant de bénéficier des aménagements sans revoir le médecin du SSU, sauf si des évolutions impliquent des modifications des aménagements. Si l’étudiant change de cursus, il devra par contre renouveler complètement son PAEH.
Contact the disability relay
The disability relay coordinates the various actions in favor of disabled students. This structure ensures continuity with the components and training institutes.
Contact: @email
Le Relais Handicap
Relais Handicap accompagné des étudiants bénévoles

Read also

The Health Center

Student Housing