Créathon 2022 : back to the "Transport & Sustainable Mobility" challenge
Clap of the end for the Créathon 2022! After 4 intense days, our third-year engineering students were able to present their projects during the Friday morning defense before the 4 best projects were called back for the presentation in front of the Grand Jury that very afternoon.
But before we tell you about the winners, let's a quick recap of this second edition of the Creathon!
Creathon 2022 poster
Directed by Yannick Barnabé, ISH communications officer

Relive the 5 days of this creative marathon
As explained in this article, this second edition was focused on Transportation & Sustainable Mobilities. For this, students had the opportunity this year to participate in the immersion course which consisted of various workshops and meetings that helped unveil the Creathon poster throughout the year.
Day 1: Presentation, Observation, Setting the scene & Reflection
So a week ago, on Monday, June 20, 2022, students began their challenge with the launch video. Directed by Virgile Depres, in charge of multimedia projects and cultural action at INSA Hauts-de-France, this video introduced the week with a speech by Mr. Meuric (Director of Transalley), Mr. De La Bourdonnay (Director of INSA Hauts-de-France) and Yves Mineur and Marie Thilliez, the teachers in charge of the Creathon.
This year, therefore, under this great theme of Sustainable Transport and Mobility, 2 categories were formed:
- Gentless Mobilities, which includes environmentally friendly transportation (scooter, bike, walking...)
- Inclusive mobilities, which concern transportation for people with disabilities
So these two categories were divided for the 29 teams. Each was given time to think about defining the roles of each member.
Within one team, everyone had an assignment this day: some went to scenario workshops with the APF France Handicap in Valenciennes, others had the chance to attend an expert roundtable or still others to speak with users.
The objective of this first day was above all to observe and become aware of the constraints in daily life and to bring out an issue, for each category. 🚉🚲🛴♿
Day 2: Brainstorming and project definition
During this day, the teams sat down to feedback their observations and brainstorm their innovative solution together based on everyone's feedback.
Day 3: Accompanying the students of the IAE of Valenciennes
From the third day of the Creathon, our 3rd years were accompanied by the students of the Master Entrepreneurship and Project Management in apprenticeship of the IAE of Valenciennes.
As part of the MPThon polytechnic module, the students of the Master EMP organized themselves into companies offering services to our teams on different themes: creativity, team building, communication, business model etc.
That same day, they also had the opportunity to make appointments with experts from the economic and academic world to discuss their ideas from a usage and/or technical point of view.
Day 4: Creating the model and preparing the presentation
Last day before the final presentation! Students set to work on the final details and the creation of the mock-up to illustrate their project.
D-Day: Discover the winners of the 2022 Creathon
Friday morning, presentation of the defenses. In total, 29 projects are presented before teachers and experts in the field of transport and sustainable mobility.
4 projects are then selected for presentation before the Grand Jury, which takes place that afternoon:
- the Yükit project,
- the Let Me Cross project
- the MobIN project
- the MASC project
Le Créathon 2022 a donc pris fin vendredi 24 juin avec l'annonce des gagnants.
En attendant de vous présenter le projet Yükit, vous pouvez toujours visualiser la vidéo des gagnants de l'année dernière.