Future Student Partnership [Looking back] on our first "Transport & Energy" Summer School 05.07.2023 challenge [Flashback] Créathon 2023: 5-day creative marathon on "health and care" comes to an end 27.06.2023 Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023 Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023 Distinction Distinction for Aminata Diouf, in a double degree program at INSA HdF and ETS Montréal 26.06.2023 Student project Student project: L3 Mechanical Engineering students build and donate a cat tree 14.06.2023 Price #FRANCE2030: INSA HDF, winner of the "La Grande Fabrique de l'image" call for projects 06.06.2023 event Great Day by the BDE 02.06.2023 Entrepreneurship Créathon 2023 Of June 19 2023 At June 23 2023 IMTD Forum job dating; work-study; recruitment Recruiting Student partnership [Flashback] to the Recruitment Forum on May 25, 2023 01.06.2023 cultural day [Return on the "Journée pour tous des Cordées de la Réussite 16.05.2023 Price #Ingénieuses23: INSA HDF receives the jury's "coup de coeur" award 15.05.2023 Previous page 2/7 Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page
challenge [Flashback] Créathon 2023: 5-day creative marathon on "health and care" comes to an end 27.06.2023
Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023
Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023
Distinction Distinction for Aminata Diouf, in a double degree program at INSA HdF and ETS Montréal 26.06.2023
Student project Student project: L3 Mechanical Engineering students build and donate a cat tree 14.06.2023
Price #FRANCE2030: INSA HDF, winner of the "La Grande Fabrique de l'image" call for projects 06.06.2023
Forum job dating; work-study; recruitment Recruiting Student partnership [Flashback] to the Recruitment Forum on May 25, 2023 01.06.2023