Boards & commissions
Pursuant to the law of January 26, 1984, on higher education and the law of August 10, 2007, on University Freedom and Responsibility, the statutes of the National Institutes of Applied Sciences have provided for the existence of several bodies.
Board of Directors
It determines the general policy of the institution, makes decisions subject to general national regulations on studies, as well as on research, scientific and technical information and international cooperation programs.
The participation of the president of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France in the meetings of the board of directors enables the definition and implementation of these missions in line with the UPHF's orientations.
It proposes measures to promote the life of the community. It adopts the institution's internal regulations. It votes on the budget and approves the accounts, and determines the distribution of jobs allocated to the institution. It deliberates on the director's annual report. It authorizes the director to initiate any legal action.
It approves the agreements and conventions signed by the director and, subject to specific conditions set by decree, loans, equity investments, creation of subsidiaries, acceptance of donations and bequests, and real estate acquisitions.
Scientific Council
The scientific council is consulted or may issue opinions on:
- the agreements with research organizations;
- the orientations of training, research, dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture and scientific and technical documentation policies;
- the qualification to be given to vacant or requested teacher-researcher and researcher jobs;
- the application for accreditation mentioned in Articles L. 613-1 and L. 642-1 of the Education Code;
- the establishment contract, which constitutes a specific component of the UPHF site contract;
- the procedures for awarding the research and doctoral supervision bonus;
It can be consulted on:
- the distribution of the envelope of resources intended for research as allocated by the board of directors;
- measures to enable students to develop activities for the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture;
- the initial and continuing training programs;
- research programs and contracts proposed by laboratories;
- the proposed creation or modification of institutional degrees;
In addition to these attributions, the scientific council may be consulted on innovation, technology transfer and links with the development of the economic sector. It ensures the liaison between teaching and research.
By its opinions it contributes to the construction of the research and innovation policy coordinated between INSA Hauts-de-France and the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France.
The participation of the president of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France in the meetings of the scientific council enables the definition and implementation of these missions in line with the orientations of the UPHF.
Board of Studies
The Board of Studies is consulted or may issue opinions on:
- the orientations of training policies;
- the qualification to be given to vacant or requested teacher-researcher and researcher jobs;
- the application for accreditation of INSA Hauts-de-France mentioned in Articles L. 613-1 and L. 642-1;
- the application for co-accreditation of UPHF and INSA Hauts-de-France mentioned in Article L. 613-1;
- the establishment contract, which is a specific component of the UPHF site contract;
- all measures aimed at guaranteeing the exercise of academic freedom and students' union and political freedoms;
- the conditions of use of the premises made available to users;
- the distribution of the envelope of resources intended for training as allocated by the board of directors;
- the rules relating to examinations;
- the rules for the evaluation of teaching;
- the measures seeking the success of the greatest number of students;
- measures to enable the implementation of student orientation and validation of prior learning, to facilitate their entry into working life and to promote cultural, sports, social or associative activities offered to students, as well as measures to improve living and working conditions, in particular measures relating to support activities, university and school works, medical and social services, libraries and access to digital resources;
- measures to promote and develop interactions between science and society, initiated and led by students or teacher-researchers, within the institutions as well as in the territory of influence of the institution;
- the measures necessary for the reception and success of students with disabilities or disabling health conditions, in accordance with the obligations incumbent on higher education institutions;
- applications for accreditation and projects for new programs;
- student mobility (international, internships,...);
- the follow-up of the professional insertion of students.
It ensures the liaison between teaching and research.
The participation of the President of the Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University in the meetings of the Board of Studies allows the definition and implementation of these missions in line with the orientations of the UPHF.
The Committees
Executive Committee (Comex)
The Executive Committee is composed of the Director of INSA Hauts-de-France, the Delegate Directors and the Director General of Services.
The Director of INSA Hauts-de-France may invite any person he/she deems useful to the Executive Committee meetings.
The Director of INSA Hauts-de-France may convene it as often as necessary.
Executive Committee (Codir)
The Management Committee is composed of members of the Executive Committee, the Deputy Delegate Directors, the Department Directors and the heads of the resource centers. The Director of INSA Hauts-de-France may invite any person he or she deems useful depending on the agenda. The agenda is set by the Director of INSA Hauts-de-France. The Director of INSA Hauts-de-France may convene it as needed.