2157 Résultats pour votre recherche
The EUNICE Alliance meets other European Universities
At the end of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European University Campus was held on June 30, 2022, at the Palais des Congrès in Versailles, France.
Published on 05/07/2022
The main objective of the "DOC'UP" association is to bring together and connect all UPHF PhD students.
Published on 05/07/2022
Site map PHF Doctoral School
Want to find a document quickly? Here is the plan concerning the part dedicated to the Polytechnique Hauts-de-France Doctoral School.
Published on 04/07/2022
Prélude Training - Polytechnic Modules
Published on 01/07/2022
European trainings - EUNICE Alliance
Possible modules to 7 partner institutions
Published on 01/07/2022
Gold medal in the international tourism forecasting competition
After winning stage 1 last year, the committee in charge of refereeing the competition awarded at the IATE (International Association for Tourism Economics) conference, first place to the Asia and Pacific team, of which Sylvain PETIT, a LARSH member, is a member.
Published on 01/07/2022
Internal regulations
Published on 01/07/2022
Passport to the University
New bachelor, soon to be a student at UPHF ? The University is offering two days of meetings, one virtual and one in person, at the Mont-Houy Campus, to help you prepare for your new school year.
Published on 01/07/2022
GIMEOLEX : victory for the team of Valenciennes
Published on 01/07/2022
Recruitment of Education Assistants in the Lille Academy
The pre-professionalization pathway is offered from the bachelor's degree (L2) to students destined for the teaching profession. It allows for paid teacher training at the heart of the educational system.
Published on 01/07/2022