2157 Résultats pour votre recherche
Theses in progress
Published on 17/03/2022
My thesis in 3 questions
The floor is given to doctoral students and young doctors. They present their work by answering 3 questions.
Published on 17/03/2022
Management specialties
The thesis supervision specialties of our researchers.
Published on 17/03/2022
Presentation of the OESE
We are witnessing a rapid chain of social tensions and mini-crises these days. Conflicts are multiplying. Some, like that of the Yellow Vests, are unprecedented in nature. Strikes, demonstrations, blockades, riots are our daily lot. How do we think about such an increase?
Published on 17/03/2022
Chair of Tourism and Heritage Development
The Tourism and Heritage Enhancement Chair is a tourism development and heritage enhancement program created within the UPHF with the support of the Communauté d'Agglomération de La Porte du Hainaut (CAPH). This program aims to enable the development of a new form of sustainable tourism in an area with a rich industrial heritage and a dense history that needs to be enhanced through the concerted work of an interdisciplinary team of internationally renowned specialists and the area brought together.
Published on 17/03/2022
Yellow Vests Conference
The Observatory of Extremism and Emerging Signs (OESE) organized a symposium on the Yellow Vests movement
on January 13 and 14, 2022
Published on 17/03/2022
Observatory of Extremism and Emerging Signs
Published on 17/03/2022
The Space Intelligence Chair
In 2021 UPHF has created a Space Intelligence research chair within the university. The principle of the chair is to constitute an initial core of excellence and autonomy that makes possible an expansion obtained through third-party funding of projects initiated by the chair. This core provides a coherent and stable framework, with dedicated staff and guaranteed funding.
Published on 17/03/2022
Resist : ; Examples Adverses "
In times of societal crises (health, security, etc.), the need for security among individuals and societies tends to grow. One of the emerging technologies that can contribute to a high agility of territories in front of abnormal events is intelligent video surveillance. This technology deploys machine-learning and deep-learning algorithms to automate complex tasks such as person detection, action recognition, tracking of individuals, etc. Although these systems have demonstrated high capabilities to solve large-scale problems, their democratization is still limited.
Published on 17/03/2022
Blandine Pérona
Blandine Pérona, a senior lecturer in French language and literature, is a laureate of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). She is developing work on d'Erasmus and his French reception, on rhetoric, hermeneutics, and freedom among Renaissance humanists, and on humanist declamation.
Published on 17/03/2022