2157 Résultats pour votre recherche
Published on 20/03/2022
Our partners
LARSH partners with actors in its economic, social and cultural environment. These contribute by bringing their civil society issues, their financial support.
Published on 18/03/2022
Become a partner
Are you a socio-economic or cultural player, a company, a community and are you looking for the expertise of researchers to support your activities ? Are you a patron of the arts or would you like to provide financial support for the UPHF's research in the humanities and social sciences? Are you a research unit? Let's become a partner!
Published on 18/03/2022
Tadeusz Kantor Fergombé
Tadeusz Kantor: Traces and poetics of memory. Publication of Amos Fergombé's work in the collection Arts, Rites, Théâtralité, EME Éditions
Published on 18/03/2022
City limit Filming Belfast Schwerter
City limits - Filming Belfast, Beirut and Berlin in troubled times, by Stephanie Schwerter, published January 13, 2022 by Bloomsbury of Stephanie Schwerter's latest book.
Published on 18/03/2022
Christopher Columbus and Corsica
Christopher Columbus and Corsica. The "possibility of an island"? Publication on December 15, 2021 at Classiques Garnier (Paris) of Nicolas BALUTET's latest work. Based on a great number of sources from the XV;century to the present day, this book traces the explosive controversy between supporters and detractors of the Corsican, more precisely Calvados, origin of the "discoverer" of America, Christopher Columbus.
Published on 18/03/2022