Companies Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023 Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023 Distinction Distinction for Aminata Diouf, in a double degree program at INSA HdF and ETS Montréal 26.06.2023 Student project Student project: L3 Mechanical Engineering students build and donate a cat tree 14.06.2023 Price #FRANCE2030: INSA HDF, winner of the "La Grande Fabrique de l'image" call for projects 06.06.2023 Entrepreneurship Créathon 2023 Of June 19 2023 At June 23 2023 IMTD Price #Ingénieuses23: INSA HDF receives the jury's "coup de coeur" award 15.05.2023 Call for projects Operation Ingénieuses of the CDEFI: INSA HDF nominated for the prize for engineering schools 04.05.2023 Partnership Signature of agreement - Axa 28.03.2023 event [Back to] Women in Engineering Morning 22.03.2023 [Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités] The magazine publishes a special INSA issue 16.02.2023 Conference [Back to] Conference "Women in industry" by Renault 16.02.2023 Previous page 2/3 Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Next page
Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023
Student project Video Training [Student project] Our M1 Audiovisual Production students make a video for INSA HdF 27.06.2023
Distinction Distinction for Aminata Diouf, in a double degree program at INSA HdF and ETS Montréal 26.06.2023
Student project Student project: L3 Mechanical Engineering students build and donate a cat tree 14.06.2023
Price #FRANCE2030: INSA HDF, winner of the "La Grande Fabrique de l'image" call for projects 06.06.2023
Call for projects Operation Ingénieuses of the CDEFI: INSA HDF nominated for the prize for engineering schools 04.05.2023