Partner Forum job dating; work-study; recruitment Recruiting Student partnership [Flashback] to the Recruitment Forum on May 25, 2023 01.06.2023 cultural day [Return on the "Journée pour tous des Cordées de la Réussite 16.05.2023 Price #Ingénieuses23: INSA HDF receives the jury's "coup de coeur" award 15.05.2023 Call for projects Operation Ingénieuses of the CDEFI: INSA HDF nominated for the prize for engineering schools 04.05.2023 [Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités] The magazine publishes a special INSA issue 16.02.2023 Conference [Back to] Conference "Women in industry" by Renault 16.02.2023 Graduation Mathias POVSE: discover the sponsor of the 2023 engineering graduates 15.02.2023 industrial engineering A look back at the 30th anniversary of the Industrial Engineering work-study program 10.01.2023 The institution Student project: A STAPS student coaches seniors 12.12.2022 Partnership INSA Hauts-de-France signs a new partnership with HIOLLE Industries 28.10.2022 The training Créathon 2022 : back to the "Transport & Sustainable Mobility" challenge 28.06.2022 Créathon 2022: 5 days to innovate in the field of transport and sustainable mobility 24.03.2022 Previous page 2/3 Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Next page
Forum job dating; work-study; recruitment Recruiting Student partnership [Flashback] to the Recruitment Forum on May 25, 2023 01.06.2023
Call for projects Operation Ingénieuses of the CDEFI: INSA HDF nominated for the prize for engineering schools 04.05.2023
industrial engineering A look back at the 30th anniversary of the Industrial Engineering work-study program 10.01.2023